SEACEN-FSI Course on Corporate Governance of Banks

Venue :Thailand
Host Name :Bank of Thailand
Date From :11 Sep 2018
Date To :13 Sep 2018


Effective corporate governance is critical to the proper functioning of the banking sector and the economy as a whole. This advanced level course covers how participants can evaluate the qual ity of corporate governance and the performance of board and senior management, and supervisors’ role in evaluating key appointments. It will also cover internal audit and control functions (the three lines of defense) compliance, insider abuse, and misconduct risk.

Target Participants: The course is designed for supervisors with at least five years of practical experience in bank examination and supervision, who may have served as Lead Supervisor for non-complex bank examinations. Senior bank supervision pol icy staff may also find the course content and interactions relevant and beneficial to their work. Participants should be in, or looking to move into, a position that wi l l involve interviewing and approving banks’ senior management and board members.


This course aims to provide a framework for supervisors to ensure robust and transparent risk management and decision making in the banks they supervise