This conference, jointly organised with the Financial Stability Institute of the Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland, provides a forum for the Directors of Supervision of central banks and separate financial sector regulatory authorities in the Asia-Pacific region to discuss and exchange views on some of the most consequential issues in banking supervision.
Meeting of SEACEN Directors of Supervision (DOS) is a closed-door session for delegates from SEACEN member central banks/monetary authorities. The focus of this meeting is for the heads of supervision departments of the SEACEN member central banks/monetary authorities to be updated on the SEACEN’s strategic direction, and to have an interactive discussion and to seek their views/inputs as to priorities for future learning programmes and research activities.
Some of the issues discussed at the Meeting of SEACEN Directors of Supervision will be escalated to the coming Meeting of SEACEN Deputy Governors in charge of Financial Stability and Supervision (DGFSS), SEACEN Executive Committee (ExCo), and SEACEN Board of Governors (BOG).