
Conference Proceedings

(CP5/2014) SEACEN-BIS High-level Seminar on “Enhancing the Effectivenss of Central Banks”

Published Date : December 2014


After the international financial crisis, the role of central banks has come under close scrutiny. With the ever changing financial landscape, overlapping business and credit cycles and growing fears of financial fragility, central bankers need to critically assess how best to implement both monetary policy and financial stability measures and how best to manage the synergies and tensions between them.

The SEACEN-BIS High-level Seminar on “Enhancing the Effectivenss of Central Banks” held back-to-back with the 13th SEACEN Executive Committee (EXCO) Meeting discussed issues pertaining to enhancing the effectiveness of monetary policy, focusing on potential changes in monetary policy instruments, objectives and strategies. The Seminar also looked at the role of financial development in the promotion of sustainable growth and financial stability. 

Summary of Proceedings