
Institutional Publications

SEACEN Capital Flows Monitor - 2020

Publish Date: : July 2020
Author:: The SEACEN Centre


The SEACEN Capital Flows Monitor 2020 discusses the sharp reversal and sudden stop of portfolio flows to emerging and frontier economies, including in Asia, following the heightened risk aversion in response to the onset of COVID-19 in early March 2020.  The analytical section focuses on the findings using a new sectoral capital flows dataset created by The SEACEN Centre and the OECD.  It highlights the importance of a sectoral approach to understand the drivers of cross-border flows in the region, considers global and domestic factors that are correlated with sectoral flows and draws several policy considerations.  Starting with the current SEACEN Capital Flows Monitor, the two annual issues will focus more on recent half-yearly developments using higher-frequency capital flows data and a deeper analysis of topical issues over the period.